Research on matters of public international law, international economic law, business and human rights and sustainability.
Advice on business and human rights:
Advice to boards on:
Training for boards and senior management on ESG issues.
We have in-depth expertise on all matters pertaining to the regulation of State-owned entities such as State-owned enterprises, sovereign wealth funds, national oil companies and export credit agencies. We advise State-owned entities on aligning thier corporate governance practices, policies and processes with international best practice standards and guidelines such as, among others, the OECD Guidelines on the Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises, the OECD Common Approaches for Officially Supported Export Credits and Environmental and Social Due Diligence, the Sovereign Wealth Funds Generally Accepted Principles and Practices (Santiago Principles), the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, etc.
Through our research and outreach activities, we collaborate with international organisations, think-tanks, academia, sovereigns, industry bodies and the private sector.